
Showing posts from January, 2014

Potentiometric pH measurement

Thanks to  Endress+Hauser

Working princple of PH electrode



What is PH ?                           The term "pH" was first described by Danish biochemist Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen in 1909. pH is an abbreviation for "power of hydrogen" where "p" is short for the German word for power, potenz and H is the element symbol for hydrogen. The H is capitalized because it is standard to capitalize element symbols. The abbreviation also works in French, with pouvoir hydrogen translating as "the power of hydrogen".                           pH is a measure of the hydorgen ion concentration of a solution. Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with a low concentrations of H+ ions have a high pH. This may seem like a confusion way to express these reationships, and it is, until you understand what pH stands for. The eq...


GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 2 Here is the video link of GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY part 2  Thanks to prof.A.Barua ,IIT kharagpur for presenting this video  (to watch video please click the GC your video will open )


GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY Here is the video link of GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY part 1 Thanks to prof.A.Barua ,IIT kharagpur for presenting this video  (to watch video please click the GC your video will open )


What is Analyzer ?                          Analyzer is a instrument or device which conduct chemical analysis on sample or sample stream .Such samples consist of some type of matter such as solid, liquid, or gas

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